In an atmosphere of relaxation, family integration and environmental awareness, ITB, with the participation of its collaborators and family members, planted 190 native tree seedlings at Wilson Fogolin Street, next to its manufacturing park.

In the morning, on 11/19/2016, the staff and family were greeted with a delicious breakfast and then directed to the planting area.

The main objective of this action is the recovery of degraded areas and the conservation of biodiversity.

A total of 20 species were planted: Algodoeiro, Amendoim, Araçá, Aroeira, Angico, Babosa branca, Dedaleiro, Canafístula, Guarucaia, Guaritá, Jequitibá, Jerivá, Jaracatiá, Jacarandá mimoso, Ingá, Arumá, Pau d´alho, Peito de pomba, Osso de burro e Pau formiga.

The ISO 14001 Committee thanks everyone for their participation.